Pediatrics is a subject of the final year of MBBS. OP Ghai Pediatrics is the most recommended and widely used textbook. You can download OP Ghai Essential of Pediatrics Textbook 9th edition in PDF Format for Fourth-year MBBS using the links given below.

The free book has over 768 pages and is the 8th edition of the series. If you need OP Ghai Pediatrics 7th or 9th edition, check the page updates. There are 31 chapters in the Ghai Pediatrics with an Index. Some of the chapters in book are as follows:
- Introduction to Pediatrics
- Normal Growth and its Disorders
- Development
- Adolescent Health and Development
- Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances
- Nutrition
- Micro-nutrients in Health and Disease
- Newborn Infants
- Immunization and Immunodeficiency
- Infections and Infestations
- Diseases of Gastrointestinal System and Liver
- Hematological Disorders
- Otolaryngology
- Disorders of Respiratory System
- Disorders of Cardiovascular System
- Disorders of Kidney and Urinary Tract
- Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
- Central Nervous System
- Neuromuscular Disorders
- Childhood Malignancies
- Rheumatological Disorders
- Genetic Disorders
- Inborn Errors of Metabolism
- Eye Disorders
- Skin Disorders
- Poisonings, Injuries and Accidents
- Pediatric Critical Care
- Common Medical Procedures
- Rational Drug Therapy
- Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness
- Rights of Children
- OP Ghai
- Vinod K Paul
- Arvind Bagga
OP Ghai Pediatrics is the Golden book for pediatrics subject in fourth year. No doubt why it is the course textbook and is recommended by every doctor and student doing MBBS. The book has superb illustrated tables, diagrams and flowcharts. Explanations are easy to understand and there is no error spotted yet. In the end of every chapter, they usually have “Suggested reading” in case a student wants to jump in deep to the topic. The images used are clear-cut, and the standard set by Ghai Pediatrics is worth noting. It is definitely the recommended book if you are or will be preparing for NEET PG exam after MBBS.
Suggestions to those studying Pediatrics in Fourth Year MBBS are as follows:
- You cannot simply mug up and pass. This subject will be valuable to you for rest of your medical career. Try diving in deep and learning every bit of it. The text isn’t really vast.
- Like said, you just don’t need to pass, you need to learn it by heart. Apart from that, 5-year question papers for your university are enough, you can try to do 10 years if you want.
- Stick to OP Ghai Pediatrics, it will sail your boat smoothly.
- To set up the base, you will need to regularly attend the clinical wards and see patients. It is suggested strictly to carry the book and make notes of a case before seeing it. Like if you wish to see a patient with Cerebral palsy, you can read the notes, and then make key-points of what you are going to question the patient and spot the clinical features. However, do not go direct diagnosis with “I know this is CP” in mind.
- This site will provide you a key look at how you should approach the patients in wards and set up your base. There are some clinical questions-to-ask from the patients, signs to note and some texts you should know, all in one article. Just check out some given below:
OP Ghai Pediatrics Textbook 9th Edition PDF Book Download
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Excellent book
Good book