250 Cases in Clinical Medicine 4th Edition PDF download link is given in the end. A new, fully updated edition of Baliga’s very popular collection of short cases arranged by clinical area, emphasizing the key diagnostic features of clinical conditions as commonly presented in the short-case part of the Final MBBS and MRCP examinations.
Also included are likely instructions or commands expected from the examiner for each condition, and the key points which the candidate must tell the examiner. A must-have for the final-year undergraduate and trainee doctor.
Customer reviews of the previous edition:
This book is the most useful guide that money can buy for the final exams in the current MBChB undergraduate course. It covers important areas of clinical medicine in a question-based format and highlights classical scenarios. The questions raised are classical of examiners in the long and short case examinations.
This is a must buy for any undergraduate medical student!!!
The book is a must during the period that the young doctor or student is on the wards. It allows one to focus on the important physical findings and the relevant clinical pearls associated with the different medical conditions met… It discusses important physical findings and their diagnostic importance. I have found it useful in preparing for attending ward rounds and also for sharpening my clinical skills. The discussion section is well organized such that undergraduates, as well as postgraduates, can benefit and the material is up to date with good references for further reading.
Excellent preparation for finals as well the MRCP …MUST HAVE before MRCP PACES.
Features of 250 Case in Clinical Medicine
- Ideal for use in the ward.
- Each of the 250 cases presents a disease or topic which is covered consistently to address:● salient features ● history ● examination ● diagnosis ● questions covering investigations and differentiations ● advanced-level questions ● management.
New to this edition:
- Over 350 new images
- Enhanced advanced-level questions
- Many more tables
250 Cases in Clinical Medicine 4th Edition PDF [Download Link]
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